Sunday, August 28, 2011

Buyer Beware - Fake Mapapa Sites

There are a number of people claiming to represent the Mapapa Acrobats.  The first is the site claims to quite literally represent the show with their own webpage or at a page recently installed Facebook.  It really belongs to Ali Fondo.  We have severed all ties with Mr. Fondo.  Buyer beware.

The real Mapapa Acrobats are managed by Capitol International a reputable talent agency.  They always show up at their shows and do a wonderful job.  References available upon request.  If you would like to see us at an upcoming show, drop us a line and we will tell you where you can go to see us.

Most of the talent that stays in the United States is slower and less energetic than the new performers we bring from Africa each year.  The reason people prefer our shows is because we represent the freshest, sharpest Kenyan and Tanzanian artists in Norton America.  We don't claim to have performed in a thousand different countries because quite frankly we aren't in the habit of making up half-truths.  There is simply no comparison between the quality of our shows and any of the artists who managed to get green cards.  The talent begins to fade after adopting American attitudes and lifestyle habits.  Accept no substitutes.